
Autodesk maya 2015 student version
Autodesk maya 2015 student version

This is based on the distance between each voxel lying on a bone and all exterior voxels. Geometric Voxel Binding first voxelizes the input geometry, and uses that voxelization to calculate the binding weights. What makes Geodesic Voxel Binding unique is that it can handle really complex meshes easily. The Geometric Voxel Binding is a new skinning method that can bind geometry to joint skeletons. These are the same OpenSubdiv libraries that were open-sourced by Pixar studios. OpenSubdiv is a huge addition to Maya allowing Maya to take advantage of parallel GPU and CPU processing on Subdivision surfaces.

autodesk maya 2015 student version

New to Maya 2015 is the integration of the OpenSubdiv Libraries.

autodesk maya 2015 student version

  • Import MotionBuilder character animations created in Softimage in a single step and export CrowdFX simulations from Softimage to Maya for inclusion with scene elements in one click.
  • autodesk maya 2015 student version

  • Export Blend Shapes with multiple targets or Blend Shapes from Maya into Mudbox for sculpting, and then merge them back into the original Maya scene.
  • Enhanced image plane matching between Maya and Mudbox allows artists to use the same reference image without having to readjust the image to match.
  • The ability to exchange Ptex and multi-tile UV textures between Maya and Mudbox helps facilitate an iterative round-trip workflow between Mudbox and Maya.
  • Many of the Suites’ features are built upon existing data exchange workflows that help improve product interoperability and foster greater team collaboration across projects

    Autodesk maya 2015 student version